Grass Fed COW BUTTER 8-9oz molded into a small loaf
Our Home Churned Cow Butter is a Yellow Creamy Butter, made From Raw Cream portion of the Raw Milk obtained from our Grass Fed Milking Guernsey Cows. - NO Salt / No Preservatives - You can always add salt youself if you wish.
Colors will vary (deeper / lighter) as the pasture grass changes with the seasons.
Nutrition Fact Estimates: (per 1TBSP serving (14g) )
Calories 100
Total Fat 11g
Saturated 7g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 30mg
Total Carbohydrate 0g
Protein 0g
Sodium 0mg
🐄BUTTER - (Cow) Grass Fed - 8-9oz Block Home Churned No Salt